Kommigraphics always works
closely with you at every step of a
well structured procedure of brand
design, so that your views are.


2018 Winner

Poetry Prize Winner

The sum of your life

Street signs in a foreign country
that resemble
English obscenities.

Dusk, when your eyes see worse
than they do
in the dark.

The discomfort
of mishearing a stranger
over and over.

An epiphany
followed by the realisation
it’s the same one you had at 16.

A brilliant book
by an attractive woman
who can write about pain.

The prescient act
of staying in bed
on the day of an earthquake.

Situations in which
you look around the room
and see at least two men you’ve slept with.

Financial debt.
A yawn.
The dry flesh of an orange.
Jane Arthur

Wellington poet Jane Arthur is the winner of the Sarah Broom Poetry Prize 2018.
Arthur is a Wellington-based poet with a Masters in Creative Writing from IIML at Victoria University, a Whitireia Polytech Diploma in Publishing and an MA in English from the University of Auckland. She has worked as an editor and bookseller for over 15 years and co-founded The Sapling, a NZ children’s literature website. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals.